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Scisca said:
S.Peelman said:
SxyxS said:
Jumpin said:

For the last time, the argument of "Wii is not an 8th generation" console is an argument out of ignorance, and fails because of the ignorance. Look up "generation" in the dictionary. It has to do with the time of release, not how many hertz the processor is. Since the Wii U was released after the Wii and is the successor to the Wii, we can logically deduce that it belongs to the 8th generation of consoles, which also includes Vita and 3DS, and later the PS4, and Xbox 361.

depends on the point of view.

and the technicall point of view is more defined by moore's law than the time of release.


 vita and 3ds are not eight generation.Game +Watch>gameboy>gameboy advance>DS>3ds(even if you count Virtual boy as handheld the 3ds is max. 5th gen .

There is no point of view.

If you are taller then your children are they somehow last gen? No, because they succeed you. Like Jumpin said, look the word up in the dictionary. This is the most ridiculous argument ever.

I have a different point of view. This is what I think about Wii and Wii U and which generations they really belong to.


Think about yourself in 30-40 years, when you're explaining to your grandson what a game console was ;) Now you give him all the consoles starting from the NES (let's just skip the older ones), Sega Master, SNES, Mega Drive, PSX, Saturn, N64, Dreamcast and so on up until Wii U, PS4 and X-box 8. You let the kid play every console for an hour and ask him to segregate the consoles into 6 generations. Where would the little kid put the Wii and the Wii U? Just basing on what he experienced, without any additional knowledge.

I think he would put the Wii right next to the PS2, GCN, Dreamcast and X-box. Wii U is still in the air, but so far my bet is he would put it together with PS3 and X-box 360.

This is the way I see this issue.

The little kid would be wrong, because he doesn't know any better...... and he is a little kid.....