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hatmoza said:
kain_kusanagi said:

When I was in college I worked for the newspaper as the Production Manager. I decided to run a "University Life" type of comic in the style of the classic "The Far Side". I called it Eastward Bound because it took place on a fictionalized Eastern Oregon University campus. After a year I redesigned the series with fixed characters as a roomate comedy comic strip about dorm life. Kind of like an "Odd Couple" with video games and homework.

Here's some of the more video game related ones:


This is simply amazing. My goal was always to make short comics like this.


You should just do it. The way I do it is I write down anything funny that pops into my head. If I'm joking with some friend and something that would work in a comic happens I take note of it. Then I keep it as a list of comic ideas. That way I don't have to try to come up with an idea I can just look through the ones that naturaly happened. I find that if you try to think up a joke it can often come across as forced, but if you write down something funny from your real life, even if it's just a silly joke between friends, it feels more natural.

As for the art part. Don't worry about color or technique. Some of the funniest comics online have some of the simplest art design. Stick figures can be just as funny so long as they have faces.

Other than that, you just have to give it a try and see where it goes. Don't let the first few you do discourage you if they don't turn out well. The best Newspaper comics are hit and miss every week.