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krik said:
coolestguyever said:
@ Krik: That is a good point, thanks for brining it up. Its just cause I love getting achievements! lol It adds so much replay value, plus most of my friends have 360 so I can play online against/with them.

 Well, get your friends to buy a PS3... MGS Online, Resistance 2, LBP and KZ 2 are coming :)

Yeah I've tried. My one friend is one of the biggest Killzone 1 fans out there, but he's being a cheap bastard and saying he can't afford it, but he can somehow afford

- 360 ($400 in CAN) , recharger ($15), cooling fan (like $20), online ($60), plenty of games. He's spent around 500 when he would have a 40gb PS3 for $400 and you don't need any of the extra shit I named.