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My problem with Battlefield 3 is that the campaign is boring.
I know, I know, "it's all about the multiplayer", but for me, single player was and always will be a vita component of any game, and no multiplayer, however superb, can cancel out a weak campaign.
It's still a good game due to stellar multiplayer, but single player holds it back from greatness.

Halo 4 similarly falls into "close but no cigar" territory. It's very good, but ultimately too conservative. Besides the marvelous graphics, (seriously,how the hell do you pull that out of 2005 hardware?) it sticks too close to previous games to be truly great. It's extremely well constructed for what it is, but Halo was originally all about the new and the exciting, and now it's become the very opposite.

"Great" is a very, very high accolade to me. I'd call maybe 12 or so games in the entire 7th gen truly great.