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kappie1977 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
lilc64 said:
Maybe i havent read far enough but so far i see no uncharted, yes its not a FPS but neither is gears so i toss uncharted into the mix. I own all the gears, and halos but not one of them can hold a flame to uncharted 2 or 3.

Nah, Halo 4 blows UC2 and 3 out the water

lol no it doesn't!!

Yeah it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It surely does NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It absolutely DOES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sales prove it lol JK

I don't think you're joking! And it most certainlty does NOT.


why compare two completely different games?

Halo 4 is a very good First person Shooter, but not the best of the last 5 years!(my opinion)
Uncharted 2/3 is a very fun and graphical perfect 3rd person advanture game (I won't give this a label of Shooter)

In my opinion KZ2 and Vanguish are the best shooters of the last 5 years.

KZ2 best First Person Shooter

Vanguish best 3rd person Shooter

I wasn't comparing anything all I said was that Halo 4 is better than Uncharted 2/3