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Byrand said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Byrand said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Byrand said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Byrand said:

After playing and beating DmC, that is one of the worst articles I have ever read reviewing the game. They lied about the difficulty, when there are multiple extra difficulty settings to be unlocked after the first playthrough. They are just pissed because the game is more accessible to a broader audience. The gameplay has not been abandoned, but is actually more complex and can lead to more combos. The problem is with the SSS meter, which should be graded on style rather than hit detection. Dante is going through a metamorphosis and will be evolving over time as he did in the game. I am sure his hair will grow and his character will get deeper and more exciting over a span of time. Complaining about thirty frames per second when its barely noticable is not flattering. The animations run more fluid than the old DMC's. 

I also don't know where they got the idea that Rising is a spin off. the Devs already admitted the story is cannon after MGS4 after denying it had cannon connections at all. 

That's hilarious because it's not an article. Hell, it was made because DmC supporters kept claiming that "haters" only hates this game because of the hair, when that's actually the least of the concerns. That "article" was made far before DmC ever came out.

You should get your facts right. And a review from someone who isn't a mindless fanboy if you want a review.

And here's something else

Thats great. So where is your review?

I never went into this thread to post a review. I went into this thread because, as usual, blind fanboys claims that people hates this game because of the hair.

You're the one who called the pictures a "review", so I found a good review somewhere else and gave you the link to it. ....YOU...hate...this game?

Terrible combat, unlikeable protagonist, shitty writing (writing was never a high point of the franchise. But since Tameem Antoniades claimed this game would rival movies and literature, bashing the writing is acceptable), style meter is based on damage instead of how stylish you can make your combos, hamfisted social commentary, etc etc.

Honestly, I am getting tired of repeating why I hate DmC (I can only get so many "WHY DO YOU HATE IT SO MUCH" questions before I get annoyed) only to get told that my subjective opinions are wrong because the "journalists" says otherwise, or that it's obvious that it's only because of the hair that I hate the game. Plus the vitrolic hatemongering I've seen from DmC fans made me decide that arguing with them is not worth it.

So, why do you get so mad when someone points out that blaming everything on the hair is a stupid thing to do?

Aren't you going to argue against the links I posted earlier? I mean, DmC is god's gift to mankind, so why aren't you defending DmC against them?

If you've played the game I cannot hate an opinion. As long as it is your educated opinion on the full game then it holds weight and it can be discussed. To refer me to an opinion is nice, but only if it bolsters your educated opinion.