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S.T.A.G.E. said:
kain_kusanagi said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
kain_kusanagi said:
This guy seems to think that MS is trying to sprint to the finish line, but MS has always been the tortoise not the hare. Windows 8 and the Surface RT where just step one. Win Phone 8 and Surface Pro are step two. MS is trying to get PC users to get used to a mobile like interface. The general public who buys Dell and HP are all slowing converting to Win 8 and they will get used to it. When they decide to go buy a smart phone of a tablet they will already know how to use a Win Phone 8 and a Surface RT/Pro. Having the exact same interface and apps on all your devices is huge and will be what wins the race.

Oh and Bing is growing slowly as people realize it's better for searching and maps. XboxNext will almost definitely be a Windows RT machine with the desktop locked out so that yet another device that people will already know how to use since they learned Win 8 on their PC after buying a Dell.

It's a slow burn, but that's what MS does and it almost always works for them.

Actually Apple is the tortoise. Put in the amount of time Apple went head to head with Microsoft with their long monopoly. Apple proved that you can beat the swift giant in the long run. Microsoft can put their product into every PC, but Apple has their own PC with its own OS. Apple did what some thought was impossible and instead of going head to head on OS made a multimedia hub connecting all of their devices. Microsoft is late to the party and its not even as good. I wish Microsoft luck though, because competition is always good. I really dont want to hear about Microsofts shareholders conference this year, because it might get personal with some of the share holders. They can ignore the share holders for so long and when the shareholders say "I told you so" they will soon have nothing to say, but Balmer will try.


In no way is Microsoft in trouble, they just need to get their act together.

Microsoft bailed Apple out when they were about to fold. I wouldn't say Apple was the tortoise, in fact I'd say in the early 90's Apple was the hare made too many mistakes and was about losing bad to the tortoise MS. MS was afraid that without Apple they would have anti-trust problems so they bought 49% of Apple which layed the foundation for Steve Jobs to rebuild, refocus, and make a comback. They bought the makers of the iPod, painted their computers cute colors, and switched from their buggy old System 9 OS to the Unix based buggy OSX. Those were apparently the right choices and I'm sure MS wished they handn't helped hold onto a competitor.

If Microsoft bailed out Apple that means Microsoft was the quickest to dominate. The hare would dominate the majority of the race, but eventually the tortoise would get there as long as it took.

You should consider reading some about the early days of MS and Apple and their relationship. They both started out small. Microsoft did software and Apple did hardware and software. They both exploded as the PC market exploded. It really wasn't a matter of tortoise and hare back then, it was much more about being in the right place at the right time. They both got lucky that everyone and their mother wanted a PC. Once the explosion was over MS slowed down and Apple went into overdrive.

MS was all about Windows, IE, and Office while Apple tried to be in the cutting edge of everything from PCs and home consoles to digital cameras and software. The Great and Powerfull Steve Wozniak had left the company and Steve Jobs got fired by the same guy he hired. The company was sinking as fast and MS saved them with the money from the slow dependable IBM compatible PC market.

Since after MS saved the day Apple hasn't slowed down, they've just gotten smarter about what races to enter. MS have become more bullish but it's still rare for them to trailblaze. For example MS did not pick a side in the HD formate war and instead stuck with the cheap and dependable DVD as the built in drive for the Xbox 360. Now that Blu-Ray is the clear winner the Nextbox is rumored to include it. Apple puts out a new iPhone or iPad every 6-12 months just to add a new feature or technology so they can stay at the cutting edge.