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KungKras said:

First off, I'm an old shool RTS fan, so don't you dare to even mention Command & Conquer when listing reasons that EA are good. I don't care how much money they are pouring into their next misguided attempt at desacrating Westwood's corpse, that franchise will never be "quality" again.

About the work force, have you seen the glass door reviews of EA? It seems like a terrible place to work. If EA went under, those people would probably end up in better-structured companies where they can actually have a positive impact on gaming.

My hate for EA doesn't come from the "media" it comes from sentances in the Wikipedia pages of some of my favourite game companies explaining why they no longer make games.

I give you battlefield that's one franchise with some classic games and not "many". Every other franchise and game you mentioned is either not special in any way or originally made by an actually talented company that EA bought. And with what is happening to Bioware's games as of late (remember the ME3 fiasco and SW:TOR?), their fate will come as no surprise to someone like me, who have seen the pattern over and over.

Also, what is with every EA defender that has to menation "quality games, quality franchises" every time? You sound like you're marketing gardening tools or food. Is every EA fan so apathetic about gaming that they don't see "fun" or "classic" games but only sees "quality"? Also, it's always the same attacking the messenger with calling out an ignorance of the industry, etc etc. I bet I know more about the industry and its history than most of you guys,

The companies in my sig are not just memories, I still play and have fun with their classics to this day, every company should aspire to make games that can entertain like that.

You call me a snob, but you're worse. Easily manipulated gamers like you are the reason why EA can keep ruining gaming without going bankrupt. You don't deserve the epic sequels to Ultima VII, Dungeon Keeper, and Tiberian Sun that we never got, and becasue of people like you who buy EA's games, people who actually like good games aren't getting them either.


1. A job is a job and puts food in peoples mouth.

2. No matter if a studio is bought by EA. Now its EA, deal with it.

3. C&C:RA2 is my favorite RTS of all time, yet the new Generals looks amazing, so deal with that too. Just because you cannot see a quality game, bc of pure hatered towards a company, is you own god damn fault.

4. I have not purchased an EA released game for a while. I only buy 1st party games for the consoles I won, and I sometimes share/trade with my friends.. I think since Burnout Dominator, EA has not seen a penny from me, so no, the marketting thing is not working on me m8

5. Also, snap out of it. Most games I have listed are far superior to yours. I have played every one of them, and Im objective enough, that I can see evolution, and dont be blinded by studio loyalty and nostalgia.You play old games way to much, get with the times, and be amazed just how much the industry had grown. Change is not allways a bad thing, and there are plenty of quality games released since Crazy Taxi

6 and final point: you know a lot about the industry? Go and brag somewhere else about it, this is a gaming forum, most of us know a damn lot about it, and seeing that Im playing for almost 2 decades now, constantly, believe me, I have my fare share of info. You are not special on the gaming forums, you are just a plain, 21 year old hipster, who liked games before they where cool, and now you feel that your special place in this world was stolen by the new industry and fanbase. Grow up, sweedish boy

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