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hunter_alien said:
KungKras said:
ghettoglamour said:
KungKras said:
Ugh. Everytime EA is successful and not on the path to destruction, gaming dies a little.

Why? EA is the 3rd party that most games I own from...They release every year a good amount of quantity and quality in their games.

We experience quality differently then. Every game they make except Battlefield 2 feels machine-made to me.

I wouldn't care about them if stiff formulatic games were all they made but they have killed some of the best and most talented companies to ever grace gaming. PC gaming in particular suffered because of EA. What they have done over the years have been unforgivable and every second that that wretched company still exists and its executives have jobs is a gaming tragedy.

You are talking out of your ass, and the only reason you say this is bc the media brainwashed you. First and foremost EA employs a huge ammount of workforce, for that reason alone it would be a tragedy if it wenty under.

Second, EA has PLENTY of quality IPs and studios, and they often gamble far more than their main rival: Activision and Ubisoft. Yes they closed many studios, but its a hard time for every publisher, and even now they are bleeding money. They also gave us jewels like Mirrors Edge, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Skate, Syndicate, Dragon Age and Spore this gen, and the excelent Battlefield 3. They also had plenty of well intentioned missfires, like Dantes Inferno or MMA, not amazing games, but not terrible ones either. They resurrected the failing NFS IP, and they are doing the same with C&C.

Sure, they have the yearly crap, but name a single large publisher, who doesnt.

What about your signature? All but memories. Sega is a shadow of its former self, Blizzard is Activisions prostitute, and Nintendo had PLENTY of missfire in the last couple of years ( Wii Music anyone?).

So stop bitching, and acting like you have the slightest clue about the gaming inbdustry. You are a self absored, snob gamer, and you probably don't deserve the massive ammount of quality games we are getting every year. So please, go back under your rock

First off, I'm an old shool RTS fan, so don't you dare to even mention Command & Conquer when listing reasons that EA are good. I don't care how much money they are pouring into their next misguided attempt at desacrating Westwood's corpse, that franchise will never be "quality" again.

About the work force, have you seen the glass door reviews of EA? It seems like a terrible place to work. If EA went under, those people would probably end up in better-structured companies where they can actually have a positive impact on gaming.

My hate for EA doesn't come from the "media" it comes from sentances in the Wikipedia pages of some of my favourite game companies explaining why they no longer make games.

I give you battlefield that's one franchise with some classic games and not "many". Every other franchise and game you mentioned is either not special in any way or originally made by an actually talented company that EA bought. And with what is happening to Bioware's games as of late (remember the ME3 fiasco and SW:TOR?), their fate will come as no surprise to someone like me, who have seen the pattern over and over.

Also, what is with every EA defender that has to menation "quality games, quality franchises" every time? You sound like you're marketing gardening tools or food. Is every EA fan so apathetic about gaming that they don't see "fun" or "classic" games but only sees "quality"? Also, it's always the same attacking the messenger with calling out an ignorance of the industry, etc etc. I bet I know more about the industry and its history than most of you guys,

The companies in my sig are not just memories, I still play and have fun with their classics to this day, every company should aspire to make games that can entertain like that.

You call me a snob, but you're worse. Easily manipulated gamers like you are the reason why EA can keep ruining gaming without going bankrupt. You don't deserve the epic sequels to Ultima VII, Dungeon Keeper, and Tiberian Sun that we never got, and becasue of people like you who buy EA's games, people who actually like good games aren't getting them either.