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Backwards compatibility.

In my opinion it is the absolute spit in the face move to people who collect lots of games.
I got my Wii, plays absolutely everything from its own library + the whole gamecube range, Got the 360, plays about 50% of the original Xbox games some slightly worse than others but still it plays the main ones like THPS3+4 and GTA series. Then you get the ps3slim next to them Got it's own library +..... psone games? I mean sure I love the idea that it can play games from 2 generations ago but what am I to do with the 100 odd ps2 games I have? buy them again in digital form? also I recently chucked on GTA1 on my 42inch hd tv using the ps3's ability to play it... my word nostalgia goggles are really needed to enjoy psone games on a big screen.

Imo it's equally what has hurt the psvita sales, if you buy a vita you get vita games , any psp games you got last gen are for the bin, if you wanna play them you need to buy them from the store again and worst still you need to store them on Sony brand memory which is not cheap, it's just so much easier to keep onto the psp and use that for its massive and still expanding library. When you buy a 3ds you can just put your dslite or dsi on the shelf of old things you no longer need, since any last generation DS game slots into it and plays without a bother, that helps people move to your new systems, not offering them a black bin bag and the chance to rebuy their games again.

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