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lol @ ningaguydan
that was like completely random...

Anyhoo, I think it;s a no-brainer that the PS3 will have a better year than the 360 this year. It's pretty much wrapped up Europe as far as the HD consoles are concerned (sorry Wii fans, I'll have to leave you out because it depresses me too much.......all right all right I admit it, so I can't process more than two opposing sides at once.......sue me) and the 360 never had a prayer in Japan. Also, I think the three AAA FPSs coming out only on PS3 (MGS4, Haze, and Resistance 2) will really help the PS3 in NA.
On the other hand, the unforseen can arise, and my thoughts could end up being totally wrong. However, a price drop for the 360 will be a non-factor because as soon as M$ does a price drop, Sony will follow immediately with one of their own. (and to all the posters above who apparently slept in caves for the last month, Sony spends $400 to make a 40 GB PS3. That means they could sell the PS3 for $150 and still lose less money per console than they did at launch)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it