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Wii360. I have all three, but the 360 offers a much better gaming lineup right now than the PS3, an organized online experience and a cheaper entry point to get into HD gaming. Sure, the PS3 has games coming - but that's the thing - coming. You can buy a 360 for next to nada - $199 used at Gamestop - and several quality titles for under $20. The PS3 has potential, but unless you want full BC, and Blu Ray, the price is much to much right now to fully appreciate the PS3 unless there are games you want to buy RIGHT NOW.

Another few other drawbacks to the PS3 is the insane install times and the lack of upconversion over component cables. With the 360, you download the demos and downloadable content and go. With the PS3, you have to install that crap - and it takes up hard drive space. As far as the lack of upconversion - it does upconvert SDVDs over HDMI, but not over component. That bites.

All that said, you won't be unhappy either way, but the 360 consistently outperforms the PS3 hands down. Yes, developers are starting to figure it out, and it will likely win big in this generation, but the machine is no PS2 and I don't dig buying into potential one bit.

I had a Wii360 setup for a long time until I found a PS3 with full BC. Now, I still find myself playing the Wii360 more than the PS3. It's a good machine, but I fail to see the awesomeness with the PS3 right now (I have Resistance, Motorstorm and a few other titles, btw).