yo_john117 said:
enrageorange said:
yo_john117 said: Wow it seems Halo 4 is having way better legs than past Halo's. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be overtracked :S (wouldn't be very surprised if it was though). @Millenium. You should also compare it to Halo 3 and possibly a similar selling COD (one system only) |
This is because halo is getting its holiday boost at the same time as launch.
Do you see that bump that Halo Reach got a few months after launch. Halo 4 isn't going to get that.
Regardless though it looks like Halo 4 sales by the end of the year will be a bit higher than Halo: Reach's sales, so it should be able to pass it lifetime if its legs don't get cut short by the nextbox release.
Oh I know that. Still though Halo 4 looks like it will sell more in its first year (Nov - Dec) than Halo: Reach or Halo 3 did in a longer time span (Sep - Dec)
Halo: Reach probably. Halo 3 I don't think so.
Vgchartz has its first year undertracked by a pretty large amount, at least according to npd.
According to vgchartz halo 3 sold 4.244mil by the end of its first year in the United States, including console bundles.
According to NPD halo 3 sold 4.82mil by the end of its first year in the United States, and I'm pretty sure npd excludes console bundles.
Vgchartz numbers halo 4 might end up ahead of Halo 3 year one, but npd numbers will paint a different picture.