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zorg1000 said:
One other question is why didnt saturn have a sonic game? I know why it didnt in real life but with its extended life u dont think one would ever come out? But other than that its an awesome piece of work

Sonic Adventure got starteed in April 1997. By the time they finished it, late 1998, it would have been the twilight years of the Saturn's life. Imagine if Nintendo released their first Mario platformer for the Wii in 2010! I personally think they would have pulled a Twilight Princess/Pikmin 3 with it and changed systems halfway through as the possibilities of the new hardware became available and the likelihood of the game selling well on the system decreased.Besides, if they had finished the game for the Saturn, they'd lack a killer app to launch the Dreamcast with.

Which is not to say another Sonic spinoff was impossible. Hell, there could even have been another Sonic platformer. Sonic Team released Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure for the Neo Geo Pocket Color after all; maybe they could have instead made a 2D Sonic for the Saturn's latter years.

But by that time, the platforming niche on the Dreamcast was already defined by Crash and Spyro. Sonic would have to compete with 3rd party mascots in their heydays.

Still, good point. I guess this is the sort of question people in this timeline would talk about.



Oh, and thanks!

Love and tolerate.