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Panzer Dragoon Saga (The best RPG you probably never played)

Last Seen: Panzer Dragoon Saga, also known as Azel Panzer Dragoon RPG, was the third game in the series. Panzer Dragoon Orta, a shooter for the Xbox, was the fourth and last game. There is a Panzer Dragoon themed track in Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed.

Current Status:  An Xbox 360 Kinect game called Crimson Dragon is being made by a former Team Andromeda member and appears to be a spiritual successor to the shooter origins of the series.

Odds: 100:1 - The makers of the series, known as Team Andromeda, have disbanded. Sega has made no announcement of any plans for the series. Even an HD re-release is impossible because the source code for Panzer Dragoon Saga was damaged and lost. There is little hope for any future Panzer Dragoon games

If you like, play: Anything with dragons.