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Movies & TV - Skyfall Review - View Post

8/10 (Great) from me. I really enjoyed it, as it did a wonderful job bringing balance to the James Bond lore. Great nods to the old ways (the theater erupted in laughter and cheers when James revealed the Aston martin), while still staying true to the more serious and gritty take that Daniel Craig brought to the franchise.

And while Javier Bardem was terrific as the villain (loved his vocal and physical quirks), I couldn't help but think of him as a Joker-lite. Which isn't a bad thing, but that part in the story arc was too oddly similar to ignore (getting caught on purpose in order to cause havoc from within).

There's also that scene where Bond is following Patrice in the skyscraper, and watches as he snipes the Chinese man. After the shooting, the guards have no reaction whatsoever to this... and just drag him away. So if they were on the side of Patrice the whole time, why didn't they just kill him themselves? Seems like a waste of money and time...

Other than that (and the obvi-CGI komodo dragons), the movie was great. The whole Skyfall segment was great. Really refreshing actually. Loved that final arc of the movie.

Good review Amp!