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JGarret said:
Metallicube said:
Well, chalk up yet another third party failure on a Nintendo console. If I was Nintendo at this point, I would simply give up on third parties, expand my company to create more games, and buy out more 2nd party studios. At the very least, they need to return to the tight quality standard they had in the NES days, where companies were limited to the amount of games they released for the console and Nintendo had to oversee production closely to make sure it was up to the standard.

Though I'm curious to know what their exact beef with this game is.. I mean, I've seen extensive footage of it, and there doesn't look like there is anything particularly wrong that jumps out at you. Looks fun and innovative, graphics have gotten much prettier, controls don't seem to be an issue. Seems like they really nailed the survival horror formula, far more than Resident Evil does nowadays..

I smell bias.

I agree, that should be one of their priorities.

Are they doing anything about it?

Other than buying Monoligh Soft a while back and creating a new 2D Mario team, not really. Though in their defense, they've been blowing a lot of money these past couple of years on R&D for the 3DS and Wii U.

Love and tolerate.