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Shit, I hoped I was misinformed, but it turns out to be correct. It's even worse as everything Wii related isn't integrated in the WiiU OS but as a subset app... so, even Wii content won't be sold on the eShop or what? That didn't happen on handhelds...

Soleron said:
They did the Wii VC and Shop isolation thing so that, just as with Wii, BC can be turned off in a few years on future models and they won't need to carry on supporting it.

This also means that Wii purchases won't carry over to Wii U+1. This is a one-time move, not a genuine attempt to make an account system so that you can access your purchases for the rest of time.

We've talked legacy compatibility before, but that with respect to controls. Really, with proper remapped controls, the Gamepad could act as a CC, sideways Wiimote... and even as a TV screen including sensor bar.

Although it does seems that digital content will have a life of two gens.

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