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Why do you have to beat me to it ... Same here , Pans Labyrinth ... best movie of all , its interesting , because I usually dont like new movies , but this one was amazing . I admit , just like in the crying thread , I cryed at the end of it so much ... The story keeps you hooked all the time , the atmosphere is amazing , and the noname actress kicks big name stars to the floor and kills them ... amazing .

Also , I see there are many people who have similar tastes as me . Movies like Shawshank Redemption , Grindhouse , Dawn of the Dead all deserve praises .

Also , other amazing movies are : Psycho , Alien , First Blood , Rocky ( yeah , I like Stalone , do you have a trouble with that ? :P ) , Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( one of the few quality slashers ) , Save Privat Ryan , Jurassic Park ( first movie that blew me away FX wise ) , The Godfather , and many more :)


Edit : Oh , how could I forgot theoriginal Star Wars trilogy ... epic ;)

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