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Yes, yes, I would. But I have to honestly say, I think both things are unlikely.

First, I don't think he will win.

Second, I don't think he would be a good president at all. I fear what he would do for civil rights, human rights, women, gay and lesbian people, atheist, people who aren't like him. I think he could really turn this country into the religious nightmare that the USA is in the game Alpha Centuri. I think he would bad, very bad.

Third, I think he would ruin more business. The Bush administration and 'tax cuts' for the wealthy have put too much tax pressure on the middle class - and it's dissolving them. The country is ending up with it's entitled class, and it's surfs (most anybody, and anyone who works for a living.) And the everyone else, the surfs, seem content on anti depressants and watching the entitled class makes fools of themselves on 'Reality TV.'

Forth, he seems like he really doesn't understand foreign policy. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets bored and decides to start a war to distract from his failure in the economy. He never served, nor any of his kids, he doesn't seems to appreciate what sacrifices others make.

Fifth, he has a terrible record at Bain. Example: he took the largest US manufacture of mattresses, ruined them, then sold the scarp - while pocketing the cash. That's now 'growing business' that business vamperism.

But if all those things don't happen, and he doesn't do whatever 'the profit' of his Church decides he should do, if he is different than his current 60+ years, and is actually good. You bet, I would be happy to support him.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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