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12-Anyway, if you ppl like it more:

Let's say 100.000 more weekly PS3 sold, to close the gap:
7.060.000 / 100.000 = 70.6 Weeks
70.6 x 7 = 494.2 Days
494.2 / 365 = 1.353972603 Years
It will take 1 year and 3 months! Ahhhh.... Wait! What's going to happen in 1/2 years?
Ah! I remember now! 360 Will be blowing 4/5 candles and a new console it's just around the corner!
Now what SONY? What's going to happen to your 10 years lifecicle?

Are you seing that I put 100.000 more? Do you honestly believe in this?