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spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
I have never seen E.T. but my favourite Spielberg movie was Jureassic Park or was it Jaws? I am not sure I was a kid when I watched Jaws I was 6 or something so I don´t remember it that good. I just know I really enjoyed it when I was a kid. But then again I have watched Jurassic Park 5 times and it was great every time. Always hated Indiana Jones and AI tough.

Re-watch Indy again. How old were you when you watched it! Gotta love indy!!!

Mine would be ( long ass list) but a lot of his recent ones have lost they're touch.


War of the Worlds

Minority Report

Saving Private Ryan ( actually almost won my 90's movie voting thread)

Schindler's List

Jurassic Park ( only movie I ever stood up the whole time in, other than The Avengers where as an adult I was on the edge of my seat wanting to stand up.


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The Color Purple

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Raiders of the Lost Ark

ACtually just bought 1941 on VHS, so we will see how it goes?

Close Encounters of the Third Kind



It is hard to pick any one of those. Although Minority Report is a hell of a movie! RUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!! Just gets your blood pumping all the time!



Also just saw this. Not sure if his voice goes with it.

Nice list also at the end are refering to the Hitchcock trailer that looks very good in my opinion.  Also on October 20th HBO is going to show another movie about Alfred Hitchcock.  The Girl which revolves around the making of The Birds and the relationship between Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren.