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Re watched E.T. the theatrical cut for what I'm guessing was the 6th time still one of my favorite movies of the 80's and one of Spielberg's best movies. Last time I saw it was over eight years ago. Mainly re watched it to see how the DVD version holds up and in my opinion it still looks good so I'm not upgrading to the Blu-ray version anytime soon. I have the 20th anniversary edition that comes with the original theatrical version and the 20th anniversary edition with 5 minutes more content in the extended version which I only watched once. Also I think its sad that Bob Hoskins retired from acting due to Parkinson's disease he is a great actor and stars in one of my other favorite movies from the 80's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and he did a great job portraying Nikita Khrushchev in "Enemy at the Gates" which is a very underrated movie about World War II. Going back to E.T. its one of the best live action movies aimed at kids from the 80's along with The Goonies and The Neverending Story one reason I like those three movies so much is because I saw them at the big screen as a kid. With all the merchandising and in movie adds Universal pretty much made the movie for free and if the rumors are true that Atari spend 20-25 million for the licensing rights for its game then it made a profit on that alone since the movie only had a rumored budget of 10.5 million. Also E.T. has one of the best scores by John Williams. I also find it funny that the Audi 100 was called the Audi 5000 in the US its a somewhat cooler name but still overall a stupid move by Audi and it sure didn't work for the Audi 80 since that sounds better then Audi 4000.