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Mr Khan said:
wfz said:

Can you give a background on what this guy has done?

EDIT: Having  a bit of a hard time understanding with how wordy she's being (along with the accent), but I see this man has said some questionable things in the past. While I disagree with some, it seems like he has shown to be fairly derrogatory towards women.

EDIT 2: Wow she's being rather attacking and emotional. Is this normal for these kinds of talks?

EDIT 3: I find it amazing that the crowd can't shut the fuck up and let her speak without their clamoring. They keep calling for order, and yet the crowd keeps speaking up every minute. I've seen this many times. These supposedly intelligent people can't learn how to keep their mouths shut? They would get scolded by a first grade teacher for all their incessant babbling.

Something i always wished Congress did. Part of the reason i never really flared up about that "You Lie!" congressman like many other liberals did. I'd much rather see floor meetings at Congress devolve into shouting matches or, like they occasionally do in South Korea, riots.

Well, I'd rather they devolve into this: