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fordy said:

You didn't stop to think for a moment that the reason why Fox is singled out as biased is because they are the ones who willingly tweak the system based on a political agenda? In fact, it should be renamed to "The Republican free time no questions asked" channel. That is why Fox is always questioned as a valid news source, because they bring idiots with radical ideas on and never bother to question it. They just sit in the background and let these loons broadcast their bullshit over the airwaves.

You didnt stop to think that maybe Romney is copping more flak because he has shown more flaws than other candidates? Then you have the conservatives jumping up and down exclaiming "That's not fair! You need to equally abuse them". BULLSHIT! If Obama has weaknesses, let them be heard too, but I'm sick of hearing this same rhetoric from conservatives that they don't want to be questioned, or open to criticism. Then as soon as they're criticised, oh it MUST be liberal bias. For gods sake...

The media spends more time on whether or not Romney shaved a kid's head in high school or whether or not his response to the Benghazi incident was jumping the gun (while utterly ignoring the Obama administration's horrible response to and, now we know, outright deception about the attack) or whether or not he really believes airplane windows should open than they do shining a critical spotlight on any of Obama's gaffes ("you didn't build that", "the private sector is doing fine", "Egypt is not our ally", and most recently kicking off his campaign for the Presidency of Iran with his line that "the future should not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam") or even his policies. Including many of the same policies for which they'd previously upbraided the Bush administration, even now that Obama has put those policies on steroids.

It isn't even necessarily a left vs. right thing. As I said, one needs look no further than the Democratic primary in '08 where the media viciously turned on Hillary Clinton (and Bill, and Geraldine Ferrarro) in a way I'd never have believed possible. The media likes what the media likes, and they slant their coverage accordingly.

But no, I don't believe that Fox News is the end all, be all, alpha and omega of bad journalism. I don't even think they're close to the worst as long as MSNBC is in town. I also don't think they're more biased than the revered New York Times, and their journalism is nowhere as shoddy as it was when they were carrying water for the Bush administration all the time. In a world where CBS runs with fake memos and NBC edits George Zimmerman's 911 call and ABC immediately links the Dark Knight Rises shootings to the Tea Party, Fox News doesn't even strike me as particularly egregious anymore.