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pezus said:
Jumpin said:

3DS will crush PS3 for the rest of the year; but the Wii U is going to be the hottest star this holiday season. I need to explain it to everyone?

By console sales I mean home consoles and by "for the rest of the year" I mean from now till the end of the year. So not only the holiday seaosn.

1. If by consoles you mean strictly home consoles, then I don't think that's a very relavent metric. The 3DS is a dedicated gaming console that will still dominate the dedicated gaming console market for the rest of the year; and that includes the PS3.

2. Why would you ask the second question in your post: "With the new, sexy, smaller PS3 do you think it has what it takes to finally come out on top in a holiday season?" if you didn't want it answered? I answered it, the Wii U will be the hottest star this holiday season.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.