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Mazty said:
Play4Fun said:
Mazty said:

When the form factor is considered, the Wii U will be kicking out very little graphical power - most likely a slight improvement on 6 year old consoles. 


Uh, no. Technology has actually progressed since consoles released 6/7 years ago.

A cheap GPU with very low TDP can moderately outperform those old consoles.

The e6760 is 35 watts on 40nm and performs slightly better than a HD 4850.

o.O Where did I say no progress has been made? If we consider the form factor of the Wii U (small) compared to the 360 (big) and original PS3 (monolith), then the fact that the wii U has a slight power improvement shows that progress has been made, although Nintendo have decided to go down the small and less powerful route rather then knocking out something the size of the 360 which is considerably more powerful. 

The 4850 has x2 the GFlops of the 6760 and 800 shaders processors compared to 480, so how are you concluding that the 6760 is slighty better? If anything it's more like the 4670. The wii U looks like it will demonstrate the advancements in fabrication miniaturization that have occured in the last 6 years, but then again, so does the new slim PS3...

are you suggesting the redesign of the ps3 will have increased performance over the older model?

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