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the twilight hack was basically a game save for legend of zelda twilight princess, the save included a horse who's name was longer than 24 characters which is the max amount of memory that the wii has set aside for the characters name, as such as soon as you load up the save and talk to an npc who would talk about your horse the game freezes and crashes from a memory overflow, killing the wiis protection at the time of the crash to run unsigned code and as soon as the crash happens the homebrew channel can be installed and from there you can run any unsigned code from that channel, it was kinda the same as the 1x1png that causes the original psps to crash into a hackable state.


Edit !!! this doesn't work anymore btw!!! so do not be looking up how to twilight hack your wii, there was a fix to stop it happening but like someone here said it's not the method used to hack wiis now the bannerbomb way is far easier and doesn't envolve you buying a particular game.

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