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The problem with this thread is that it assumes that the "47%" statement is wrong. It's not. 46.4% of America does not pay federal income tax. Go check for yourself. A person who's not paying taxes isn't going to vote for anything that will require them to pay even a small amount of their share.

The hard reality is that too many Americans are on the government dole. A person who is receiving money from the government is less likely to vote for anything that could reduce or eliminate that income. It's as simple as that. There are people who need help, but too many are taking advantage of a broken welfare system. Should we take care of our veterans? Yes. Should we allow an able bodied fourth generation welfare recipient to never get a job? No. There needs to be a path to self reliance. A government safety net is good, but we've let it become a comfortable hammock that too many are content to rest on forever.

The problem is that number keeps creeping up. If it ever dips beyond 49% or overflows past 50% then this country will be in real danger of failing. The minority can't take care of the majority. Right now 53% of America is paying the taxes that the 47% are not. A lot of people like to say that things aren't fair in America. Well how is it fair that nearly half of the population isn't doing their share and wants the half that is paying to pay more?

Romney's only mistake was forgetting that people don't like the truth if it embarrasses them.