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maverick40 said:
kowenicki said:
maverick40 said:
man-bear-pig said:
No, I'm pretty sure MS will dominate sales from Nov-Jan

Halo 4, Fable, Forza etc.
Plus, Xmas is more of a western tradition (UK and US) and they are both markets where the X360 dominates

The games you mentioned above will not push sales of a console. Anyone who wants to play these games will have already bought an xbox for them

Nonsense. Thats as polite as I can be.  I guarantee a hardware boost the week Halo launches.

Well show me the numbers baby! What was the boost from halo reach and forza 4?

halo reach boosted i would say the sales maybe 200k, hard to say because you never know how many bought the console few weeks after release of that game (because they didn't have money at release or so).  people probably even bought it months after release in the weeks before christmas or at black friday bcause of halo reach so i think 200k sounds not too high.

weeks starting one week before reach release week:

X360 155,977 (-6%)
X360 this is the reach release week
261,018 (+67%)
X360 188,307 (-28%)
X360 188,441


X360 178,925 (-5%)
X360 167,597 (-6%)