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I think at this point it seems that even Romney has given up. The recent support of parts of Romneycare/Obamacare and his harsh criticism of a congress budget - one put forth by his VP pic. Failing to release his taxes allows all sorts of speculation to where he took advantage the IRS amnesty for fraud and/or is better off, than he was 4 years ago.

As far as Kerry. He got blindsided by a Texas Billionaire who somehow got people that just a few years before claimed Kerry had saved their life in a battle - to somehow saying that it was all made up. It was quite bizarre and creepy. Plus, Americans don't like to change leadership during a time of war. Plus there was a bunch of shenanigans, especially in Ohio with voting.

This one reminds me more of Regan vs Mondale. Where a popular president is being challenged by someone who can't muster much support. I don't remember what was specifically wrong with Mondale, but it seemed like he never had much of a chance. And much like Romney was outshine by a old man talking to a chair on what should have been his night; Mondale was out-shined by his VP pic, Ferraro.

The Republican party has completely lost it's way. From a party that believe a strong central government was needed to ensure human dignity for all, to one that thinks only Billionaires and Corporations deserve welfare and one that wants to take rights from certain people who were born different. I think Lincoln would be quite angry.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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