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logic56 said:
Immortal said:
jayson1 said:
I dont think NSMB2 even come close to Vita's Uncharted Golden Abyss graphically . NSMB2 will sell but its an old game idea that has been beaten to death for over 20 years. Vita is new tech and has innovative games. NSMB2 is the same old, same old. Booooorrriiiiing ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

I'm baffled. You made a post, removed a word from it, posted it again in two minutes and then posted this changed post again in another two minutes.

...why? I would think it was some error, but what's up with the random removal of "any"? I mean, I hardly think you have some grammatical motive behind it.

On topic, I'm feelng bad for Vita fans right now. A Mario game with an underwhelming launch is already looking to beat the console's 10 best selling games.

wii sports sold more than the top 10 best selling games on ps3....


But Wii Sports was bundled to most Wiis. Mario isn't.

Love and tolerate.