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hmm, economy and the budget is all a very strange circumstance,
as far as cutting funds to medicare and medicaid, it makes sense in that medicare and medicaid are 2 of the most wasteful government controlled institutions (they'll spend 2 dollars on a bandage the army pays 30 cents for) as far as damage of this spending, well that is business as usual, the only reason Clinton had any surplus is that he did some screwy things with social security while fulling backwards into the internet boom, which by the way a recession began at the end of Clinton's term when that bubble burst
anyway spending is one big screwed up mess if the government stops spending money starts to deflate, people panic like idiots and pull investments and you get a recession, basically it is one odd paradox, if the government spends it eventually leads to a recession, if it pays back it's debt it leads to a recession
and another thing Clinton bomb the crap out of Iraq repeatedly under the pretext of weapons of mass destruction so this current war is as much his fault as it is Bush's, regardless of what lies he and his lackeys spout today


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