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I was just reading an article about his latest proposed budget (the biggest in U.S. history at over $3 trillion).  What I found interesting is that he wants to increase spending for Defence and Homeland Security by 7% and 11% and cut spending for Medicare for retirees and Medicaid for the poor by $200 billion over the next 5 years.  Not only that but the budget deficits are expected to be $400 billion this year and next year.  I can't understand why most Americans aren't up in arms or at least see the damage being done.

Edit: I also found the following fact interesting:

"The $3 trillion Bush's proposes spending in 2009 would be the first time that milestone has been reached. Bush also presided over the first budget to hit $2 trillion, in 2002. It took the government nearly 200 years to reach the first $1 trillion budget, which occurred in 1987 during the Reagan administration."
