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yes games with puzzles and such things are "harder" to beat than a cod on easy or whatever because you don't need to think much then but i don't think my definition of hardcore is if a 11 years old kid can play it or not through the end. i'm sure i played harder games when i was a kid as i play now on average (one reason is that they were much harder lol) and i still think i'm more hardcore now then as kid or i was few years ago compared to 15 years or more ago. for me there is no hardcore or not game (except some games like dark souls or that kinect mario kart like game i forgot the name of). for me, hardcore is how you play a game.

not even sure if there is a real definition what a hardcore game is, i believe many people define that word absolutey different and they can be all right.


you said there is no learning curve in games like gears, halo and so on, that's just wrong. there is a big learnig curve in gears in my opinion and also in halo, you can't really tell me that you don't get better in firefight or whatever without training a lot. if you train a lot you will last much much longer. same with gears, as beginner you won't last long in some modes.

and then you sound like a battlefield 3 fan, i don't really see why that should be more hardcore or why there is a bigger learning curve and i also don't really believe battlefield 3 players are older (maybe a litle bit). maybe on pc because most 10-15 years old play on console but that would count for cod on pc as well then.