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_crazy_man_ said:
zero129 said:

As far as they system specs go, there is sadly little information available. We do not have specific numbers to quantify how powerful the system is. The games revealed at E3 appear to be on par with the Xbox 360 and the PS3 as far as graphics and performance are concerned. There are rumors of the Wii U being more powerful than these current-gen systems, but there are no games, demos, or numbers to prove it. Everything we've seen as far as possible Wii U games are either ports that look identical to the other systems' versions or original games that look to be firmly in the realm of this aging console generation's expectations.




I'm really tired of the whole "it looks as good as current gen" shit.

Did everyone forget the 360/PS3 launch?  Remember how they looked dispite being vastly more powerful than the Xbox/PS2? 

None of these games were built from the ground up.

Fully agree. Everyone  also seems to keep ignoring these. I love to see someone try to pull of these off on the 360 and PS3.



I still remember all of the people who were claiming these were CG. They look just that good.


Just look at the detail on the windows and other ojects on the side.