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A203D said:

6. Yeah I'm not sure if those are 'all' great games... I mean Catherine, Valkyrie Chronicles, Demon Souls, El Shaddai were excellent games. They shouldve sold more copies. But I think the problem is more deep rooted than that... What if Final Fantasy has damamged more than just the franchise, what if Final Fantasy has damaged the reputation of Japanese games here in the west? What if the reasons Japanese RPGs are not as successful as WRPGs here in the west is because Final Fantasy has damaged that genre of gaming?

hey man. LP

It might be true, but it's not such a good sign for the genre in the first place if the state of that genre relies on 1 franchise. imo.
It's like saying grunge is dead when kurt cobain shot himself.

oh wait... idk what's going on here. hmm.