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i don't meant to be rude, but to say musics bad because it's not simple (aka catchy like say lady gaga songs) doesn't make much sense. Plenty of complex songs are memorable... idk It's like saying mozart can't be memorable, radiohead can't be memorable, or jazz can't be memorable. Pop songs are the best because they have a catchy melody.

Obv I'm not going to argue on whether songs are memorable or not that's. For me there were plenty of memorable songs in FFXIII and XIII-2. I mean the prelude for FFXIII is really simple... it's not like everything is complex from a musical standpoint.

And Nobuo uematsu have plenty of songs that are complex, theres bleepyness has a lot of nostalgia, and fit the games... But on my Ipod I have the orchestrated rearranged versions of those songs  I'd rather listen too, or at the very least the resampled ones by like FinalFantim.