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Gilgamesh said:
Chris Hu said:
Gilgamesh said:

Go on youtube and look at some old Final Fantasy game soundtracks (I - IX), you can't help but crack a smile when some of those original scores bring back all those fond memories of fighting your way thorugh cave fill monsters, or watching a companion sacrifice themself for you. These were some of the greatest and most intense music being played on a game, even starting from the beginning on Final Fantasy I from the opening sequence to even a random song like Matoya's Cave.

In my opinion music is part of what made Final Fantasy so great, it intensified the gameplay and even helps bring the story together. When FFX hit, they had a couple memorial hit's but nothing to great, then everything just went downhill with X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2. Maybe it's just me because I really enjoy a good soundtrack in a game and it can sometimes make or break a game if it bores me to much.

If music mattered that much then Lost Odyssey would have sold a lot more at least over a million copies, because it has some of Nobuo Uematsu's best work. 

I'm pretty sure if LO was on a different platform or even multi-platform it would have done a hell of a lot better. At the time it released on the X360 the console was not really known for being a RPG console. It's a shame though a lot of people claim this is the best JRPG of the gen and it's only on the X360.

I don't thing if it would have been a multi-platform game would have helped out sales much either.  All console JRPG's had poor sales this generation.  At least it sold better then Mistwalker's follow up game The Last Story which numbers are a lot worse and I don't think its upcoming US release will help its total numbers much.