I feel like it looks like another game in a relatively mediocre series.
Visually: its held back by its crappy art style. It really can't look too much better without changing this...of course its an upgrade but graphics alone wont sell me
Sound: they use the same songs as the other games in the series when they were never even very good.
Levels: same world themes as NSMB although i will give it credit for added verticality
Power Ups: is there anything actually 100% new in here...i feel like ive seen it all before
of course its still gonna be a great game but its the same great game millions of people have already played twice. The coin idea had potential but nothing was done with it. I feel like Nintendo looked at the sales of NSMB and NSMBwii and figured they should pump out another for the sales. Looks to me like the actual effort is going into the upcoming NSMBU...