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Also Ra's Al Ghul never wanted to blow up Gotham City. Has Nolan ever seen Batman Begins? Ra's wanted to "rip Gotham from the inside out." He wanted to tear it down to rebuild it. Talia, who hated her father, but wants to continue his plot anyway, wants to destroy Gotham.

Also, Ra's wanted to tear Gotham apart because it was corrupt. But in the 8 years between films Gotham is clearly no longer corrupt with crime being at a minimum. So once again, Nolan proves he has never seen Batman Begins.

Also this movie makes The Dark Knight irrelevant. You can skip The Dark Knight and not miss a beat. Harvey's death is the only thing really and that has flashbacks in this movie anyway. Joker now seems like a side story. I know Nolan didn't want to mention the Joker out of respect for Heath, but that's not a good idea. Joker should've been mentioned and this movie didn't need to take place 8 years later - 5 years tops.