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We come to it at last...the most important comic book movie of the 90's...

Why is it important you ask. Well it was sooo bad it led to the entire comic book genre's focus changing that eventually led to X-Men in 2000 which focussed on adults & more mature themes. Had BATMAN & ROBIN been a success comic book movies may have stayed kiddie a new BATMAN film after this one was already being prepped. 

Warner Bros forced a quick production of the movie to piggy back on to the "huge" success of BATMAN FOREVER. Toy companies were involved in making the designs so that toys could be ready & the director apparently kept saying, "remember guys..act like its a CARTOON"..throughout filming.

On the top it looked set to be a huge success..especially with biggies like George Clooney, Uma Thurman & Arnold Scwarzenegger (however you spell the damn surname) also in the project.

The opening weekend was great...but unprecedented bad word of mouth (it makes spider man 3's word of mouth look similar to titanics) led to the movie finishing with a low gross. Disaster. 

The next Batman movie which was meant to be called BATMAN TRIUMPHANT was cancelled right away & Joel Schumacher was banished from the BATMAN franchise.

With The Dark Knight Returns so close it's time to REWATCH the old Batman movies & rate them. Todays movie to rate is THE BATMAN!

If you remember it rate it, or watch it to hold you off till the sun RISES on July 20th! 



--------------- Burton's -------------------

12th July - The BATMAN (1989)

13th July - BATMAN RETURNS (1992)

Then we will move on...

--------------- Animated Series/Movies ------------

14th July - BATMAN : The Animated Series 

15th July - BATMAN : Mask Of Phantasm

Moving on...

--------------- Schumacher's -------------------

17th July - BATMAN & ROBIN (1997)

And finally

--------------- Nolan's -------------------

18th July - BATMAN BEGINS (2005)

19th July - THE DARK KNIGHT (2008)

20th July - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (2012)

So we will do BATMAN & ROBIN today & end with THE DARK KNIGHT RISES rating thread on 20th July...exciting times are ahead for us fellow rodents! 


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey