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Avengers to me felt like a by the formula action emotional nothing. It almost felt mechanical. Now 2 months later I have completely forgotten about the plot of the avengers...apart from some cool "hurr durr cool" scenes like Hulk punching thor & smashing loki around I don't remember much of the movie. Yet I still remember Spider-man 1 & 2 completely...and even Iron Man. 

Oh yeah Iron Man making the planes engine run was cool.

And I expected more emotion in the movie especially as Joss Whedon was directing.

The massive circle jerk around the movie from critics is something I will never critic even said he knows the movie isn't that great objectively...but as it's so much fun he gave it 5 stars. It's funny even. 

Not surprised audiences loved it as it is one of the best "blockbusters" for sure...not hard when your surrounded by transformers & pirates though.

Amazing Spidey had emotion & a cast I fell in love with. Really didn't need much from a movie setting it up, I'm emotionally invested now...hope the next movie makes blows it out the park.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey