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From what I remember, I liked it, but thought Danny DeVito's character was just so unlikeable and vile that I didn't care that much - and the film was less interesting as a result. It just sucked the fun out of it - cause you don't hate him, or love to hate him, I just wanted him to go away.

It's like at a party, when someone places a plate of delicious yummy warm brownies in front of you and that socially awkward weird kid make it look like he licks them all. Then he awkwardly laughs, to himself, and everyone else is silent. You can't tell if he did or didn't but you just don't care to eat them anymore and hope you are never around him ever again. People start making excuses to leave the party, just to get away from the weird kid.

With all that, I do need to watch it again and see if my opinion has adjusted.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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