happydolphin said:
A system's a system, it has little to do with code. Do windows users need to learn basic or batch scripting? no. Yes still it applies to them. Baby duck syndrome applies just as much to HW as it does to SW: "This syndrome has substantial impact on user interface design. Developers must take into account previous user experiences to make users comfortable if they want these users to move or upgrade to their system." http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-cranky50/index.html |
I still don't think it applies much. Windows and Mac are just different enough that you could argue baby duck, but when all you have to do is insert a disc and the game starts I just don't think the system itself as what people are identifing with. There were fanboys before consoles even had a boot menu. Fanboys are identifing with the brand as an extension of their being. Fanboys talk about their favorite stuff like cult members talk about being saved. It's more than a preference for the familiarity of a system they learned on.