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So, it appears that EA are going to attempt another First Person Shooter set in the C&C mythology. What are your expectations for such a game? I happened to play Renegade when it first hit (which is an FPS from C&C universe as well) and I happened to like it. Difference is, however, that last time around there were still quite a few brains and architects from the old Westwood studios working on it.

After Red Alert, the series (in my opinion) has showed a clear downward slant in quality and effort, so I also ask this; do you think they should "revive" Westwood and restore their capacity as dev's to work on titles and series owned solely by Westwood prior to EA's takeover? Well, I do, and it just so happens that most (if not all) of Westwood's previous members/employees are inhouse developers at EA studios in England and the US.

Are you excited about this title, and why (either way)?