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NintendoPie said:
kitler53 said:
NintendoPie said:
kitler53 said:
let me start by saying i haven't visited one of these threads in months...

...but wii < psp?!?!? just wow.

Why is that such a big surprise to you?

A) like i said, i haven't looked at the numbers in months.

B) psp is deader than dirt.  last i look wii was doing bad but still ~3xpsp numbers.

Wii has been doing horrible for the past few months. It's not much a surprise anymore.

Not to be confrontational, but you are coming off as very condescending to me right now. He clearly said he has been out of the loop and was surprised by how poorly the wii has maintained itself. No need to make him feel bad by acting like he is stupid and that everyone knew something he didn't.( would expect a person on a sales website to keep up with...sales). Still no need to be mean.

Also, in your previous posts, you state the ipod and iphone as potential inhibitors to the vita, and I agree somewhat. That being said though, I see them as potentially being inhibitors to the 3ds just as much so. I actually could see the dedicated handheld market shrinking this gen but there is still a market for these games and I believe the growth in popularity along with the added potential of the vita will cause CoD to sell better on the vita than psp. That of course being in an ideal world. One where the devs who are making this CoD spin off are competant and make a competant online experience. This hush hush over it does not look good in my eyes. It makes me think this game will be severely underwhelming. At least AC Liberation looks like a quality independent story. Will the average AC player choose to pick up this game over AC 3? No. Not at all. People are more likely to buy this game alongside AC 3 or really, in the beautiful white bundle it comes in. The bundle itself will ensure that this game sells at least ok.(It is a beautiful color, and it includes a memory card and game for no additional cost)

OT: Wii performing terribly. It's so sad to see nintendo shoot a cash cow like that. They could have definately kept it going good, but they just...haven't been putting out software for it that would make it sell hence why the psp is outselling it. Perhaps sony is just better at properly prolonging the life of their consoles.

PS3 doing great. Hopefully a super slim/price cut will come so that it will its last big hurrah before it is obsolete. Maybe they can also try to steal some of the wiiu's thunder.

Vita...price cut, Assassins Creed bundle, and a CoD game will help it but the first one isn't a given. I expect CoD to do reasonably well, although I am interested to see how ot will do. On one hand, the psp version of CoD sold exceptionally well for a handheld game and now CoD is more popular than ever so one would expect it to sell well, but on the other could very well be terrible but terrible games sometimes sell well. Didn't stop the DS CoD games from nearly reaching a million and I believe the general consensus was that they were garbage.

DS still clinging on. Aren't the dsi models the only ones being sold now? I don't think it will pass ps2 though. :(


"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius