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Funny you made a thread about that since I'm playing right now on Xbox.
It's a good game, but it definitely has its flaws.

It's basically like Gears of War without the ability to get to cover and with more melee focussed enemies.
The jetpack is awesome there, though you don't have access to it all the time (2 out of the first 8 chapters so far)

Things I don't like: It's too hard. Playing it on easy currently and already died quite a few times.
That is because the big orc enemies are too strong. They hit you once and it will drain all your shields and about 20-25% of your life. Meaning you get hit twice before your shield is up, you're dead.
That wouldn't be so bad if the character wasn't so stiff and slow. You can run away but as soon as you finished turning around, you'll likely get another hit.
Another huge flaw is that almost everything is blocking you. If you're in a tight spot and try to jump back you'll likely to get blocked by your 2 AI friends and you're probably going to die because of them.
Most enemies ignore them after a while and are instead focussing everything they have at you, which totally sucks.
Then there are rocket launcher enemies who can shot about 3 rockets at once and if you're unlucky you die in a second. Wouldn't be so bad if there was only one of them at a time, but usually about 4 or 5 at the same time.

In other words its a fun, if uninspiring (very linear and bland environments) game, but can also be a very frustrating one.
Oh and you're mostly smashing your way through the game or using pistols as they are far better than any sub machine gun so far.