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Kresnik said:
I think this whole situation comes down to the Nintendo/Sony dispute that led to the creation of the Playstation.

Once Sony created the Playstation, marketed it as being really 'cool' (see: WipEout etc.) and brought in a whole new demographic of gamers, the third parties went with them. It was the third-parties that absolutely propelled Sony to dominance in the fifth and sixth gen and gave them so much traction in the industry.

Nintendo could - and should - have done something about it before it was too late. Heck, they should have stopped the Playstation being created by agreeing to a venture with Sony, but their stubborn-ness of cartridges instead of optical discs - and what I can only assume was arrogance that they'd easily beat Sony since they were already beating Sega - led to the loss of third party stuff which never came back.

The Wii has been a nightmare in terms of this. Gamecube had many problems, but at least there was a decent outside developer showing which Nintendo embraced. They have pretty much single-handedly propped up the Wii for its whole lifespan which isn't a road they should have gone down. I'm not saying they shouldn't have made the great first-party stuff - of course they should, but there needed to be more of a push for other things rather than Just Dance and Lego games, and that showed in their E3 conference since they had very little ouside support.

Heck, Mass Effect 3 shows just what a problem it is. Sure, you can dip straight into Mass Effect 3 without any knowledge of the previous two, but it won't be the same - and you won't be able to move your Shepard across, which is a big part of the whole series.

I like that they're trying to entice the third-parties back, but there's a long LONG road to go down before they can - and personally, I don't think Wii-U is the answer. I'm pretty certain they have the financials to prop themselves up until the neXtbox/PS4 come out, which they should have done and built a matching console - but that's just my view.

Also, to all the doomsayers: Boo. Nintendo have weathered far worse storms than this (N64, Gamecube). Even though I think the console won't be a success - they'll still capture a portion of the casual market, and I'm pretty certain they won't lose any money on it. So maybe they'll get it right next time around.

@Bold NEVER!! but yeah, I agree with this post.

@boo doomsayers. Who cares if they're successful if it doesn't lead to a console that represents us and gives us the games we want. Some of us want to have the HD games on board and see them affect Nintendo in a positive way. So yeah, Boo.

Also, as Rol said, when the N64 and Cube failed, Nintendo was able to rest on its handhelds. It seems like the west is getting cold to Nintendo though, so that pillar is now beggining to show signs of concern.

Just sayin'