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happydolphin said:
Heavenly_King said:
The tablet gaming + TV gaming at the same time is a bad idea, because you need to watch the tv and the tablet in order to interact in an efficient way with the game; and would be a pain in the a$$ to look to the tablet, and then look to the TV, the tablet, TV, tablet-TV-tablet-TV-tablet-TV-tablet-TV-tablet-TV-tablet-TV over and over again in order to avoid getting killed while watching the other screen.

I bet this will be a major complain when the console releases. I bet most people will play only with the tablet, because that is the only way you can play without having to watch 2 screens at the same time.

The DS/3DS was not a problem because the screens are very close. It is like a big screen that is foldable. You can see both screens without moving your eyes and head, making a simultaneos view for both screens (or at least you can the other screen with yout peripherical view)

The problem with the WiiU is that you will be looking front (TV), down (Tablet) over and over again, so that you dont gent killed in a game; and that will be a major problem. For example in a game like in Zombi U you will be bussy checking the inventory, and while doing so you will be eaten by a zombie. RE LOL

This console WiiLL FAIL U

Okay, there's absolutely 0 need for the last comment, we know you like bashing Nintendo, but gratuitous trolling is not welcome.

The dual-screen is not the issue here at all, you're completely out of whack. Look at the ZombiU reel for how the controller can be used effectively in an immersive experience. Then, Batman also gave good examples, and lastly some mini-games in *barf* Nintendoland.

So please, find some good arguments, then come back.

I am not bashing I am just speaking of what looks to be the major problem with every game for the WiiU when the console launches.    In Batman the only good thing was that you are able to direct the batarang with the tablet (something you can already do with your normal controller in the other consoles).   But  when that tablet is required to activate certain things of your suite while the main game on your TV is still running (fighting with a mob); and can not be seen because you are watching the tablet, it fails.   The same thing happens  for ZombiU.   The perfect way to see your inventory in realtime is watching it at the same time as the action is happening on the same screen, like in (I know you will say that I am a fanboy, but you know I am right) The Last Of US.

Speaking about the last comment that bothered you, if the console which has as main purpose gaming, does not allow you to play in an efficient way, it fails the constumer, and in this case you/U are the customer.

Sorry to burst your bubble.